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Winter Running Tips

There is nothing more refreshing than heading out on a sunny, brisk Spring morning and smashing out your running goals for the day. The sun is warm, the air is fresh, and your body pumps like the well-oiled running machine that it is. Weather is such an important factor in our attitudes toward running, and sometimes our motivation and preparation can be stunted if we are not fully ready for some unexpected changes. On the flip side, we also must endure some extra crispy Winter mornings which for some people are a game breaker – the following tips are going to change your mind on that front for the better, so you can enjoy your daily trek whether it be rain, hail or shine!

Warm up

During Winter, our muscles take a longer period of time to activate – this isn’t just physical, but also a mental game as the last thing we want to do is stagger through the first 10 minutes of our run feeling like an icicle. A solid recommendation is to run through dynamic stretches pre-run to get your body prepared. Dynamic stretches include movement instead of holding the stretch for 15-20 seconds like you would in a static stretch. This starts the blood flowing.

Top dynamic stretches:
  • Side lunges
  • Leg swings
  • Butt kicks
Top static stretches:
  • Seated hamstring stretch
  • Standing quad stretches
  • Calf raises

Reward yourself—how do I stay motivated?

It’s no secret that motivation is unwillingly stunted during the colder months, and the thought of heading outside when you are nice and cosy is not ideal at the best of times. However – there are ways we can keep on top of our motivation that help us to achieve our daily/weekly goals. A classic example of this is to keep yourself accountable and track your progress to ensure you are always ahead of your game. Exercise tracking apps are a great incentive when you are running regularly, as they positively reinforce and record your activity to give you a more holistic view of your performance.

Rug Up

One of the hardest decisions to make before running is what to wear as you have no idea how you will be feeling mid-run (you’re going to want to lose the extra thermal underlayer, trust me). The feeling of getting too hot is one of the most uncomfortable features of winter running, so it's crucial to strike a balance between staying warm and giving our body enough breathability to stay refreshed. Try using light layers to build warmth.

Wear the right shoes

Still running in those extremely thin, breathable shoes from the past Summer? Trainers like these can still be efficient in the cold, however it is always better to rug our little toes up for both warmth and protection in the colder months. Trainers that are waterproof (or thick enough to resist) are amazing during our cold ventures as they allow our feet to stay comfortable and dry. We have a range of running shoes that are suited to these conditions. Adding a pair of performance socks an insole will also help decrease the pressure and stress on your ankles. If you need help picking a pair, speak to our MyFit Virtual Technicians.

Breathing in the cold

Breathing whilst running tends to become a little harder as the cold rolls in as we do not get to enjoy the perks of the fresh spring air easily cycling through our lungs. Despite the often burning, uncomfortable sensation in your throat (when the temperature is getting low), this is not a sign for concern. If you allow yourself to breathe in regularly, your body can stabilise the cold air and warm it up for a more efficient intake. Remember to keep your breathing consistent and deep, especially during the first 1-2 kilometres of your run as your body begins to warm itself up.

Breath control tips for running in cold weather:
  • Stay hydrated
  • Take deep, relaxed breaths and avoid panting
  • Reduce the pace until you feel warmed up

Food and energy

What would you expect to be the most common food amongst runners (and athletes in general) that fuels us for long periods? You guessed it, pasta. Including pasta within your diet allows a plethora of slow-release energy which is perfect for the modern-day marathon runner. However, we can’t just continue to smash our goals with a diet solely relying on pasta – yes this gives us the energy we need, but we also need to focus on our recovery. Foods such as eggs, tofu, Greek yoghurt, broccoli, chicken and brussel sprouts (they aren’t as bad as you remember) are all high in protein which is key for restoring your broken-down muscles. In addition, tuna is a great option as it is low in fat and calories whilst providing a rich source of protein. For vegetarians, lentils are a great choice (easily whipped up in a curry or pasta) as they are high in fibre, magnesium, potassium, iron, and various other nutrients to delay the onset of soreness.

Hydration is key, even when it’s freezing outside

We often slack off on staying hydrated in the winter as our body’s seem to expel less sweat and we tend to lack the thirst we would receive as opposed to when running on a hot summer day – however we still need our fair share of H20. In order to stay sharp, we need to meet our daily hydration goals and plan ahead, especially when running. This can be as simple keeping a refillable bottle nearby throughout the day and setting hourly reminders for yourself to have a quick drink. If we are heading out on shorter periods, we may not need to hydrate mid-run but prepare beforehand. A good practice is to drink 500ml as soon as we get out of bed, this has several health benefits that aren’t just specifically related to hydration! If we are looking at more endurance-based events, it would be beneficial to incorporate a water bladder, light backpack which holds a water bottle or even a hydration gel.

Health benefits of running in the cold

Even though the temptation of staying or jumping into bed on a cold winter’s day may be tempting, there are numerous health benefits of running in the cold that could be giving you that much needed edge over your performance. For one, we experience less heat stress on the body when running in the cold, as our bodies are not depleted by an excess amount of sweat and fluids. Once we achieve a steady pace and our heart rate has increased, our bodies aren’t working nearly as hard as they would be on a 30-degree day. One of the main health benefits of staying active in the winter months is our mental wellbeing – longer, darker days and increased time staying indoors can sometimes keep us down and out, however fighting against this comfort and getting out to break a sweat can improve overall positivity by releasing happy hormones.

Winter Running Tips
Posted on 12-07-2021
By TheAtheletesFoot
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