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In 2014, Ange and her partner, Leif, were the parents of 4 children under 10 years of age. To say life was busy is certainly underselling it, and you could imagine that it doesn’t leave a lot of time for exercise. In fact, to her own admission, Ange probably hadn’t exercised for 10 years.
But, when their eldest daughter, Lila, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, their lives changed forever.
At the height of exhaustion, as she came to grips with the routine of waking to feed the baby, and waking to monitor Lila’s blood sugar, and coping with all the mental and physical demands this new life created, Ange knew she needed a circuit breaker.
That’s when she declared she was going to run a marathon!
This circuit breaker wasn’t just a chance for Ange to clear her head and get some exercise, it also quickly became a chance for her to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes in her local community.
“I wanted to create as much awareness as possible so that Lila will never feel isolated or different.”
What Ange didn’t know at the time was that the power of running would turn one marathon into ten, and turn raising awareness in her community into establishing a foundation that assists Type 1 diabetes families across the nation.