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Back to School Guide
Whether you’re a Back-To-School seasoned professional or this is your first ‘back-to-school’ you’ve encountered, we know it’s not an easy task to tackle. As much as we want it to be a seamless experience, it’s not always the case.
However, we can do some things to help us prepare for this time and overcome any obstacles or hardships we face. You and your child/children know what works for you best, so take advantage of this and let this Back-to-school 2022 season the best it can be! Weather your child is just starting school or they’re in senior school, this guide is here to help!
From Uniforms, sleeping schedules, school lunches to holiday homework being completed, there’s a lot to prepare for but not to fear, this guide is here to assist you in being well prepped so you can your child can feel confident.
Here is a list of top 4 things we think is most important for preparing for school:
1. School Uniforms
As we’re aware, kids grow at a rate we sometimes can’t keep up with so it can be stressful to buy them their uniform with the fear of it not them fitting well. Our biggest tip is getting your timing right. If you need to order the uniform in, get in early,
The best part is buying the school shoes. School shoes may be difficult to buy early if your child’s feet are growing at a rate you can’t keep up with but follow this guide to hopefully assist.
KIDS AGED 4-6 years old: their feet grow on an average of 1mm per month in length
KIDS AGED 6-10 years old: their feet grow somewhat less than 1mm a month
For children who are just starting primary school (4-5 years old), you need a pair of school shoes that can last up to around 6 months meaning, you might need to re-measure your child’s feet mid-term and grab a new pair around June/July.
Children older than 10 can vary so keep in the know with them regarding how their school shoes from the previous year are feeling. Get their feet re-measured if needed to ensure they’re comfortable in the right sized shoes.
2. Get Organised - Books and Stationary
As parents, we can sometimes put off those dreaded stationary lists that schools provide. Organising this early enough ensures your child is prepared with everything they need. This also gives them an opportunity to get involved in the back-to-school preparations. Getting your child involved in this gives them the tools they’ll need to build confidence, be steadfast in their decision-making skills, interpersonal and social skills. The best part it, it’s a way for you and your child to bond before they’re back to school every day.
3. Prepping School Lunches
Thinking of what to prepare for lunch isn’t usually the easiest task, especially when you want your children to come home after school. with an empty lunchbox. Prepping school lunches or their snacks at the start of the week makes this so much easier. Think of simple, healthy and quick things to cook/prepare. Foods such as veggies and dip work as a great snack that’s also healthy and simple. Let your child get involved in the process and inform you on what snacks they will want and don’t be afraid to give them a treat every now and again.
4. Get Back Into Routine
Getting back into a routine of sleeping at a particular time, eating at a particular time and dedicating time to reading, writing or homework is important.
The first day back jitters are real – and not just for you. Your child also may be nervous to be going back to school so ensure to let them know that everything will be okay. The best thing about back-to-school preparations is that you can be adaptable and malleable.
Remember, you’re not expected to tick every single box when it comes to preparing. Do what works for you and your kids as you know them best. Enjoy the process with them. You’ve got this!